About Us

Welcome to our web site!

Email – info@betins.com

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm PST.

There are a number of companies on this site, many of which offer the same type of plans. There are variations within these plans so that you may find the program most suitable for you. The plans are categorized (it is hoped) with your convenience in mind. It should be easy for you to find what you are looking for. If you do not find this to be the case, your suggestions will be appreciated.

You will find our contact information in many places. When you have a question, we want you to get an answer. The effort is made to return all calls and answer all emails on the day received.

Initially, the first thing on everybody’s mind is price. How much does it cost? You can get quotes online for almost all of the plans. In most cases it requires that you answer only 3 or 4 questions. If you have any questions, please contact us.

The group plans on this site are not the limit of our abilities in a group situation. If you have needs that are not addressed here, let us know. It is very likely that we can customize a plan for you.

Thank you for visiting us.

Kent Corrick